The local neighbourhood watch scheme exists to promote safe living in Wiltshire communities. Underlying the scheme is the principle that we should all keep an eye out for the safety of our neighbours and their property. The local police use the neighbourhood network to issue warnings of potential crime in the area, provide suggestions for improving home and property security and to seek information relating to crimes which have been committed in the area.
Membership is entirely free and could help to reduce your household insurance premiums. If you are not sure if you are already a member or if you wish to join now, contact one of the scheme coordinators below or Ian Gordon-Finlayson on 512125 or . Remember that membership costs nothing and could make the community a safer place. We are also able to be a point of contact for you when away from home in the event of your alarm going off or any other incident.
If you become aware of any incidents in the village please notify a coordinator so that we can alert the rest of the community very quickly.
Please also ensure that when you are away from home you make arrangements with someone to hold a spare house key and your alarm code; it can be very frustrating trying to find out how to silence an alarm, and the continuous ringing of an alarm is exceedingly irritating !
Reporting internet fraud to the police: Most of us have been subjected to at least one of the many types of (attempted) fraud, perhaps on the internet. If you want to report what happened to you, whether or not you responded to the email (or however the approach was made) and whether or not money was lost, the police operate a country-wide agency to deal with it called Action Fraud. It can be accessed via tel. 0300-123-2040 or its website
Scheme Coordinators: Alison Bates, Andy Curtis, Cathy Fuller, Chris & Liz Wright, Jenni Clarke, Lisa Benn, Mark Leach, Margaret Matthews, Nick Parsons, Ron Turner, Ian Gordon-Finlayson.